Natural Causes of Extinction. While the chances of pigs, cows, and chickens going extinct are slim to none, the speed of reproduction for slaughtering is damaging to the environment, affecting the livelihood of other species. Why? So our behaviours on a global scale are facilitating the spread of a pathogen from animals into humans." These predators could be animals, insects, or humans. We're still using up fossil fuels like crazy, destroying forests and other habitats, and letting our resources go to waste. Here are 5 human causes of extinction that are currently damaging the planet: 1. You need to look no further than the end of the last Ice Age, about 11,000 years ago, when various megafauna mammals were unable to adapt to quickly warming temperatures. Take cows for example: The lifespan of cows for food and dairy is terrible for the planet in all stages. Most of the mass extinctions, such as KT-extinction or Permian-Triassic extinction were caused due to such events. Here are 5 human causes of extinction that are currently damaging the planet: Indigenous plants and animals are fully acclimated to their surroundings. Extinction can be a natural occurrence caused by an unpredictable catastrophe, chronic environmental stress, or ecological interactions such as competition, disease, or predation. One cause of extinction is predation. As more species die, it is only … Through the activity, students will create a … Another cause that can lead to the endangerment of species is excessive fishing. Moreover, 33% of land and 75% or fresh water are currently being occupied by crop and livestock. When large amounts of fish are taken for human consumption, the remaining fish can vary in sizes and limit the pool for reproduction. Extinction refers to the loss of species or other taxonomic unit (e.g., subspecies, genus, family, etc. Humans can also be the cause of extinction for certain species. Now is the time to make a change in our day-to-day lives to preserve our planet and all of its inhabitants, ourselves included. Teams seek solutions to mitigate habitat loss and prevent extinction, and incorporate key … The weather, food supply, and general conditions of the area are ideal for the plants and animals living there. Other, related human causes of the extinction event include deforestation, hunting, pollution, the introduction in various regions of non-native species, and the widespread transmission of infectious diseases spread through livestock and crops. Title: SPECIES EXTINCTION 1 SPECIES EXTINCTION. At first glance, that may seem like good news for us humans, but just think of the domino effect as all the creatures that feed on mosquitoes (like bats and frogs) go extinct, and all the animals that feed on bats and frogs, and so on down the food chain. While groups are lobbying for change, the sad reality is that we are far off from bringing anything into action; There's a reluctancy from politicians to tackle the issue head-on, for reasons unknown. But it is not just volcanoes and asteroids or even a combination of both that can explain all the causes of mass extinctions. As our resources reach a state of depletion, the world is experiencing circumstances unlike ever before, and the adjustments are too much to make in such a short amount of time. Humans negatively impact the environment for controlling and artificially causing fires, shifting agriculture cultivation with unsustainable techniques, grazing by domesticated animals, overkilling species (Pleistocene overkill), etc. De façon simplifiée, la sélection naturelle propage les trai… While the process continues, so do the deaths of native plant and animal life. With the advent of fire arm and acceptance are hunting as a sport, needless killing of wild animals assumed dangerous properties. Instead, many factors play into the bleak-looking future of our planet. As we face these man-made environmental threats, not much is actually being done to halt the process. All species have a range and a niche. As human civilization expands relentlessly into the wild, these natural habitats diminish in scope—and their restricted and dwindling populations are more susceptible to other extinction pressures. The range of a species is the distribution of all populations of individuals belonging to it. But along the way, we're using more than can be replenished, causing catastrophic damages to the earth. While it's unusual for disease alone to wipe out a given species—the groundwork has to be laid first by starvation, loss of habitat, and/or lack of genetic diversity—the introduction of a particularly lethal virus or bacterium at an inopportune moment can wreak havoc. Usually, determining which is the "better adapted" species takes thousands, and sometimes millions, of years. The species are not used to severe weather conditions and long seasons, or a changing chemical make-up of their surroundings. Over Hunting – The ivory of elephants, the fur and organs of tigers, the deliciousness of tuna and the supposedly medicinal effect of shark’s fin are some examples of why we have over hunted these animals to the point of extinction. Extinction occurs when species are diminished because of environmental forces (habitat fragmentation, global change, natural disaster, overexploitation of species for human use) or because of evolutionary changes in their members (genetic inbreeding, … If a plant or animal from one ecosystem is inadvertently transplanted into another (usually by an unwitting human or an animal host), it can reproduce wildly, resulting in the extermination of the native population. Water for drinking, the foods we eat, and even trees and other natural materials for shelter are used by humans on a daily basis without concern for the future. Once a species starts dwindling in numbers, there's a smaller pool of available mates and often a corresponding lack of genetic diversity. Predation occurs when a species is prey of another species. Deforestation has killed off more species … Once this balance is thrown off, As we face these man-made environmental threats, not much is actually being done to halt the process. Once the water sources in one location are used up, humans find another, only to deplete that one as well. This inability to survive will hinder the repopulation of their species and will eventually lead to extinction. The feeding, watering of crops for food, slaughtering, cleaning, and manufacturing processes leave behind a huge CO2 trail. Another cause of extinction can be attributed to the climate change that is human induced. Similarly to the previous point, we aren't doing nearly as much as we should in order to preserve our planet and address the causes of extinction. The effect that climate has on extinction is very big. Once this balance is thrown off, entire ecosystems are put at risk in the oceans. 9. Agriculture – Because of the drive for more food production, there has been a significant impact on approximately 75% of the Earth’s land and 66% of the oceans. This would mean that, Similarly to the previous point, we aren't doing nearly as much as we should in order to preserve our planet and address the causes of extinction. La génétique(La génétique (du grec genno γεννώ = donner naissance) est la science qui étudie l'hérédité et...) des populations et les phénomènes démographiques affectent l'évolution et donc le risque d'extinction des espèces(En biologie et écologie, l'extinction est la disparition totale d'une espèce ou groupe de taxons, réduisant ainsi la biodiversité.). The result is that the animals and plants have to adapt to their new human neighbors, or relocate. Humans are creating a greater threat to endangered species due to habitat degradation. Overfishing is also an increasing risk for the planet. However, there have been dramatic increases i… Are we wise enough now to cease our reckless behavior?