Although it may sound like a minor inconvenience, many people claim that The Hum has had a massive negative impact on their quality of life. Someone in a science field needs to investigate if dsl and cell towers are causing this problem, we know electric lines can hum. I can actually feel a low pressure sensation in my ears from the hum. I’ve heard it in several states. Same thing with places in remote siberia and other places. What ever the cause, it’s not good. Enjoy! West Seattle’s now-famous ‘Hum’: Apparently NOT a fish’s fault”. Picture SIphotography. i dont recall if it is because i was travelling and out of the area or not.. but then it started again, stopped again. All Rights Reserved. Helen Green first noticed the sound when lying in the bath. running a fan at night to drown it out helps some. Ongoing for about 2 1/2 years! They observed the hum coincides with the appearance of bright blue flames on the islands’ exhaust stacks, which were easily seen from the Canadian shoreline at night. This article gives some clues of what might produce this annoying and sometimes lethal loud vibration. Mystery humming sound captured – Sydney Morning Herald. I live in south Texas and to me it sounds more like a plane flying right over me, but it is strange because the sound suddenly starts and suddenly stops. Now it’s EXTREMELY louder, more rapid & NEVER stops it’s 24/7! In the late 1980s, the coastal Scottish town of Largs began to experience the Hum. does not have the technology to run this stuff in our homes. Strange Sounds in San Antonio, January 2, 2020 video. Chances are they already have the data and field reports that will stand up in court which is why you’ll NEVER hear them peep anything about any “humming” except to smile and say put yer tin foil on. We’re having an assessment of our home and surroundings done and hope to get some good info on how to mitigate it. Perhaps because FtM is sitting on an ocean of oil in the form of oil sands/shale. Heard that sound and determined it was coming from the rear. That´s electronic part on gangstalking. I had a noisy fan that just broke. Biblical Red Sky and Jesus Trumpet Sounds, January 3, 2020 video. i have since moved and have never heard it again. It occurs in different parts of the world. Apr 07, 2015: humming noise by: Judy I have a humming noise in my apartment. Get a round-up of all our stories published during the past week delivered to your email every Saturday. The Hum, a persistent, low-frequency noise, audible only to certain people and with no identifiable source, was first reported in the mid-1960s. Till date, there has been over 3,000 submissions from around the world, centered mostly around the US and western Europe. You have entered an incorrect email address! Only hear it late at night when everything is quiet. — … For the past nine years, residents of Windsor city, situated on the Canadian side of the US-Canada border just across Detroit river, have been complaining of a mysterious and persistent low-frequency humming noise. Also something to do with electromagnetics. Published: 11:26 AM October 12, 2019 Updated: 11:57 AM October 10, 2020. How about it being HAARP? 2. I am surprised in reading the theories that no one has mentioned the most probable cause to a low frequency hum that many people hear. Experts believe that the blast furnaces are responsible for the 35Hz noise that bathes the city of Windsor like a mystic fog. West Seattle Blog. Dr David Baguley, head of audiology at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, estimates that environmental factors such a fridge, industrial fan or nearby factory may be the source of at least a third of cases. The Kokomo Hum investigation – Acentech Project No. What does your ear sound like? Communication with submarines is often conducted using extremely low frequency radio waves with frequencies from 3 to 30Hz—low and strong enough to stimulate the auditory senses and induce throbbing headache in some. Got 1 year truce but it came back last month, when I won another judiciary battle against with such bank. Anybody thought of that? Seattle ‘Hum’ May Be Due To Midshipman Fish That Produce Sound For Mating – The Huffington Post. We’ve lived here almost 30 years. I’ve been a electronics technician for 32 years. That humming noise isn’t tinnitus (Ménière’s disease). Your doctor will examine your ears, head and neck to look for possible causes of tinnitus. Which of the following medications were you taking before the Hum … What does your nose smell like?