During your music studies you will deal with the music of other cultures and devote yourself to the popular music forms of jazz, rock and pop music in theory and practice. The PERMA well-being model and music facilitation practice: Preliminary documentation for well-... Mapping visions of improvisation pedagogy in music education research. Research Studies in Music Education is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that promotes the dissemination and discussion of high quality research in music and music education. The degree is equivalent to the 1st state examination. Exploring equal opportunities: Children’s experiences of the Swedish Community School of... “Everybody has something”: One teacher’s beliefs about musical ability and... “We sing to touch hearts”: Choral musical culture in Pretoria East, South Africa, Special issue panel on early childhood music education. You are adding the following journals to your email alerts. After trim spaces title : Narratives of versatility: Approaching multi-instrumentalist music teacher identities, After trim spaces title : Towards relational music teacher professionalism: Exploring intercultural competence through the experiences of two music teacher educators in Finland and Israel, After trim spaces title : Inclusion of a music learner with ASD through play-full intersubjectivity, After trim spaces title : When youth musicking is play, After trim spaces title : ‘Just notes’: Young musicians’ perspectives on learning expressive performance, After trim spaces title : Developing agency through music and movement, After trim spaces title : Activating gender: How identity affects students’ perceptions of music activities, After trim spaces title : Rhythm pattern discrimination by primary school students, After trim spaces title : Contesting music education policies through the concept of reasonable accommodation: Teacher autonomy and equity enactment in Finnish music education, After trim spaces title : Narrative Inquiry: A Methodology for Studying Lived Experience, After trim spaces title : Decolonizing music education research and the (im)possibility of methodological responsibility, After trim spaces title : Singing our own song: Navigating identity politics through activism in music, After trim spaces title : The PERMA well-being model and music facilitation practice: Preliminary documentation for well-being through music provision in Australian schools, After trim spaces title : Mapping visions of improvisation pedagogy in music education research, After trim spaces title : “We are often invisible”: A survey on safe space for LGBTQ students in secondary school choral programs, After trim spaces title : Music in the early years: Pathways into the social world, After trim spaces title : Music performance anxiety and its relationship with social phobia and dimensions of perfectionism, After trim spaces title : Cross-cultural understanding: The role of rural school–community music education partnerships, After trim spaces title : Music value and participation: An Australian case study of music provision and support in Early Childhood Education, After trim spaces title : The use of cognitive apprenticeship in the learning and teaching of improvisation: Teacher and student perspectives, After trim spaces title : Portals between worlds: A study of the experiences of children aged 7–11 years from primary schools in Wales making music outdoors, After trim spaces title : Initiating mobilizing networks: Mapping intercultural competences in two music teacher programmes in Israel and Finland, After trim spaces title : Exploring equal opportunities: Children’s experiences of the Swedish Community School of Music and Arts, After trim spaces title : “Everybody has something”: One teacher’s beliefs about musical ability and their connection to teaching practice and classroom culture, After trim spaces title : “We sing to touch hearts”: Choral musical culture in Pretoria East, South Africa, Narratives of versatility: Approaching multi-instrumentalist music teacher identities. Further internships for students with the professional goal of becoming teachers: Teacher training takes place in the Bachelor-Master study system. If you wish to combine Music Education with an admission-restricted program (with NC), please apply from June 1 to July 15 via the following link. Please visit Areas of Study for audition requirements for your instrument or voice. 3. Within a week (on as many days as you like) you can attend selected courses (lectures or seminars) and get a taste of campus life. Research and creative activities, including a wide range of study options. Music Education covers these specializations: conducting (choral and instrumental), pedagogy, curriculum development, distance education and distributive learning, early childhood music, cultural studies, music and media studies, evaluation and assessment, music psychology, new media and music technologies, and teacher education. Examinations regulations minor Music Education. Click More to read! “We are often invisible”: A survey on safe space for LGBTQ students in secondary ... Music in the early years: Pathways into the social world, Music performance anxiety and its relationship with social phobia and dimensions of perfectionism, Cross-cultural understanding: The role of rural school–community music education partnerships. The bachelor's degree course at the University of Erfurt comprises a major and a minor subject (two-subject bachelor's degree) as well as the fundamental course of study. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE). The International Office will be happy to assist you in organizing your stay abroad. There is scientific evidence behind the argument, as research shows that studying music can cause positive changes to the brain. Get involved; In Industry An overview of the Australian Industry for music professionals. An in-depth examination of pertinent research literature forms the basis for these programs. Music education greatly enhances students’ understanding and achievement in non-musical subjects. Find out about Lean Library here, If you have access to journal via a society or associations, read the instructions below. Undergraduate music education majors pursue a fully accredited curriculum that develops musical knowledge through a sequential program of instruction, critical thinking, and practical teaching experiences. study teaching at the University of Erfurt. Discover Music Australia Music Australia provides information on all aspects of Australian music, bringing together music professionals, community musicians, music educators and students, to advance musical life. Plenty of studies suggest that children who follow music classes achieve higher scores. If you have access to a journal via a society or association membership, please browse to your society journal, select an article to view, and follow the instructions in this box. Articles with the highest Altmetric score from the last 3 months, indicating influence and impact. In the major subject a Bachelor thesis is written. Then download the flyer in the download center now. Experienced and supportive faculty who are regularly published in the field’s leading journals make this an ideal environment in which to study. Undergraduate Study. Music integrated into seventh- and eighth-grade social studies results in better subject performance and better social behaviors and attitudes. Master of Music (M.M.) Music Technology in Education provides students with opportunities to engage with published commentary and also develop practical skills. Contact us if you experience any difficulty logging in. There are many published examples of research in music education, using a variety of approaches including surveys, experiments, and historical studies. Want to study one semester or year at the University of Erfurt? Would you like to hold the study program flyer in your hands? Try it out now! It supports you in acquiring and deepening your language skills. www.was-studieren.info. Most read articles in this journal in the last 6 months. Jedes Musik-Studium ist je nach theoretischem oder praktischem Schwerpunkt unterschiedlich ausgerichtet. And are there other benefits to a musical education? In the United States, research in this field has been carried out for many years under the auspices of the National Association for Music Education. You’ll learn to address the need for music education within the changing structures of our society. Articles most recently published online for this journal. Information and program: Discovery Days. 63 99089 Erfurt, 6 It was important to use underprivileged students in their research because these children generally have lower language skills. The degree can be completed in as few as three to four summers, but must be completed within seven years of matriculation. You don't want to wait? View or download all content the institution has subscribed to. For example, a ten-year study, which tracked over 25,000 middle and high school students, showed that students in music classes receive higher scores on standardized tests than students with little to no musical involvement. You may have to observe combination rules. With a 100 percent placement rate, our graduates are highly sought-after in the job market. Access to society journal content varies across our titles. It aims to impart specialist content and occupational field orientation as well as interdisciplinary skills. Then request our free information material without obligation. PBS reports, “A study published in 2007 by Christopher Johnson, professor of music education and music therapy at the University of Kansas, revealed that students in elementary schools with superior music education … semester, Bachelor of Arts Our graduates are active in these professional fields: The Bachelor's degree also enables postgraduate studies at various universities, e.g. The minor subject in Music Education is admission-free (without NC), but successful participation in the aptitude test is required for application. ), Studienfachberaterin Bachelor Musikerziehung, Lehrgebäude 5 (Puschkinstraße 19) / Raum 1.01, Please note: Once you watch the video, data will be transmitted to Youtube/Google. As part of the 25th anniversary of Research Studies in Music Education, the journal is celebrating significant contributions accompanied by an introduction by the editor who published them. The program is designed for music teachers desiring a Master of Music degree and others interested in studying music education at the graduate level. Music Education faculty members have a wide range of research interests and specialties, using methods that are both qualitative (based in philosophy, history, psychology, sociology, arts-based educational research, and a/r/tography) and quantitative (involving quasi-experimental research, survey research, and large-scale multivariate designs). SEMPRE are celebrating their 50th Anniversary with four Research and Development Awards. One of the strengths of the Music Education course at Trinity is the commitment to individual and small group teaching. This course of study … The musical students scored, on average, sixty-three points higher on the verbal … At present, no admission limitation (without numerus clausus) is expected. Information on the program: Open Day, The discovery days at the University of Erfurt mean experiencing "studying up close". This site uses cookies. Music education could be regarded as the transmission of information about musical expression. Johnson compares the concentration that music train… Music instruction improves cognitive, socio-emotional development in young children Medical News, Life Sciences & Medicine, 6/16/16 Music instruction appears to accelerate brain development in young children, particularly in the areas of the brain that are responsible for processing sound, language development, speech perception and reading skills, according to initial results of a five-year study by USC neuroscientists.