I honestly did not need an assessment to point out my knowledge of cultural differences as I have lived with many different cultures. Also, the best copy of this paper on cultural differences may be found as a PDF (Appendix I) under my new book, Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences, which you may download free here.--Gregorio The culture of America fascina This study sets out to explore cultural differences, what they mean, and their implications. Cultural Differences in Communication Essay 1402 Words6 Pages The term “culture” refers to the complex accumulation of knowledge, folklore, language, rules, rituals, habits, lifestyles, attitudes, beliefs, and customs that link and provide a general identity to a … The first three papers address new motivational and cognitive patterns associated with cultural self-construals. b) Explore the ramifications of the following cultural-related topics as they are manifested in your research country: (Spain) 1) RACE 2) RELIGION Although they both faced obstacles, they coped with their challenges in different ways. After this, I will point out why Rachels believe the argument is flawed and the proof he provides to back up his belief. One of the utmost important parts of culture, I believe, is who influenced you to grow your culture, and who influenced you to act the way you act. Finally, although only a small portion of a country's overall cultural heterogeneity occurs between groups, this does not imply that cultural differences between groups are irrelevant. First, I will explain what Moral Relativism is. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. We examine this process across cultures. ADVERTISEMENTS: Human culture is the inevitable result of the way our species acquires its behaviour. 30 Cool Sample Research Paper Topics on Culture. You will be select a specific country which you will use to answer questions related to the following scenario. However, Susie's boyfriend, female. Cultural Differences Paper Cultural Differences Introduction Many people throughout the world indentify themselves by their cultural background. Sample Research Paper. perspectives in psychology and anthropology to understand a society’s signature pattern of beliefs Most cross-cultural research investigates distinctions in individualism and collectivism (Hofstede 1984, 2001; Triandis 1995) or independent and interdependent self-construals (Markus and Kitayama 1991). Both cultures revered monotheism and saw it as the preferred way (Liepert,18). Social learning and choosing, acquiring and assimilating and rejecting information and knowledge is a necessary aspect of the formation of cultural repertoire. There are many people around the world who have distinct differences from others and it allows them to have traditions that are special to them only. According to Brunner (2005), he confirmed that “subjects of any studies that would relate to cultural differences and cultural diversity would include those people who belonged to their ethnic origins” (p. 28). These results explain differences in charitable giving across cultures and provide implications for nonprofit organizations soliciting donations. For example, Susie was dating with a guy. Many times, students focus on race when writing essays on diversity because it is the most obvious issue. Also, further investigation is on the employee’s perception of how the practices and policies of cultural diversity is being delivered by the management at the university. Individualistic cultures, such as those in North America, foster an independent self-construal that casts the self as agentic and distinct from others. Typical Examples of cultural differences The perception is different and often selective: Expressions are differentiated according their importance: for the Inuits (Eskimos) snow is part of their everyday life, therefore many words (e. g. over 10 substantives) exist to describe it. Diversity is a concept that counters discrimination and embraces the inclusion of people with various experiences and backgrounds such education, parental status, geographic location, language, and culture. The paper discusses two multicultural concepts, analyze them, and examine the significance they have in the understanding of cultural differences prevalent in the society. Cultural Differences And Disabilities 851 Words | 4 Pages. Because cross-cultural consumer research is a mature and active subdiscipline, this curation highlights the last few years of research. 2013 The Authors. Cultures change and cultural diversity is created, maintained and lost over time. This research examines how self-construal (i.e., independent vs. interdependent) and goal type (i.e., attainment vs. maintenance) are conceptually linked and jointly impact consumer behavior. The effect was also found to impact consumer behavior in real life—self-construal, as reflected by the number of social ties consumers had, impacted the likelihood that they opted to reduce versus maintain their bodyweight. These effects held for distinct health challenges (cancer, diabetes, flood- related illness, traumatic injury) and across single-country and cross-country samples, and they impacted positive health outcomes and decisions ranging from anticipated energy, physical endurance, and willingness to take on more challenging physical therapy to intentions to get vaccinated, stick to a doctor-recommended diet, and undertake a physically strenuous vacation. Poor scholarly use of available literature. Ineffective use of selected practice or research, and poor or absent integration of diversity issues within chosen area or practice or research. Findings from six studies show that the frames people adopt when thinking about health challenges influence their optimism about overcoming those challenges, and that their culture moderates this effect. Results from four studies uncover a relatively automatic cultural congruency mechanism that can influence evaluations of culturally charged brand extensions, over- riding the impact of perceived fit on extension evaluations. Download full paper File format: .doc, available for editing. Those participants were drawn from various ethnicities that would include Asian, Black American, White Caucasian, and American Indian. Consumers with an independent self-construal tend to be approach motivated—their self-regulatory goals focus on promotion. In contrast, consumers with an interdependent self-construal tend to be avoidance motivated and focused on prevention (Aaker and Lee 2001), as well as on maintaining adherence to norms through impulse control (Zhang and Shrum 2009) and on attentiveness to social consensus (Aaker and Maheswaran 1997). This has given rise to a burgeoning literature that examines many implications of cultural variability, including for brand management, consumer well-being, and charitable donations. Read Research Paper On Cultural Differences and other exceptional papers on every subject and topic college can throw at you. Therefore, family is an immense part of controlling, gender, ethnicity, class, religion, race, and nationality. Amitava Chattopadhyay. Cultivating Optimism: How to Frame Your Future during a Health Challenge ); the converse occurred for individuals from cultures where the interdependent self is highly accessible. However, they only emerged when both the brand and the product were culturally symbolic, likely to automatically activate a cultural schema but did not emerge for brands low in cultural symbolism. Consequently, those participants were equally drawn from different countries in the world to participate in the study (p. 28). In the book, The Miles Between, a group of teens, who attend a boarding school, have a different way of life than I do. Understanding the influence of cultural factors on consumer behavior is crucial because consumption and marketing are global phenomena, and efforts by firms to influence consumers often cross cultural boundaries. In the readings, “Finding Her Way” by Linda Sue Park and “Kylie’s Project” both characters had to cope with these types of challenges. The culture of a place is an integral part of its society whether that place is a remote Indian village in Sri Lanka or a highly industrialized city in Western Europe. Cultural differences shape a person’s identity and it defines who they are. Cultural Diversity (Research Paper Sample) Instructions: The task was to summarize 4 articles given by the client on cultural diversity, identify the main points and draw a conclusion regarding the topic in light to the previous research. Even though there are bounteous differences between our cultures, there are still some similarities peeping through all the differences. It is common knowledge that there are many different cultures throughout the world. The authors propose that there are a few lessons learnt in the common class which can be useful also for libraries and librarians serving multicultural populations. Could power distance, which is the extent that inequality is expected and accepted, explain why some countries and consumers are more likely to engage in prosocial behavior, including donations of both money and time? Free research papers are not written by our writers, they are contributed by users, so we are not responsible for the content of this free sample paper. For example, most cultures across the Middle East value extremely modest dressing, particularly for women. No comments. Yinlong Zhang. Posted in: Free Essays | Jul 17, 2013 at 11:36 pm. This sample Cultural Differences in Organization Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. The effects emerged with both moderate and low fit brand extensions, as well as for narrow and broad brands. Copyright © 2021 Journal of Consumer Research Inc. But for feel comfortable with the people that differ from us, we need lot of time for socialization. One of the most important parts of culture, I believe, is who influenced you to grow your culture, and who influenced you to act the way you act. Alokparna Basu Monga Rohini Ahluwalia. To all who took the proxemics survey (between December 2007 and June 2009) a warm thank you! Cultural Differences Essay; Cultural Differences Essay.