If you want to retrieve all logged on users of all computers in this OU run. Summary: Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to find all user profiles on a computer, and to display the date when each profile was last used. She logged in at 06:41 PM. Within the Powershell Window type: . I would like to find a good way to see which profiles exist on my laptop. This script will pull information from the Windows event log for a local computer and provide a detailed report on user login activity. Get-UserLogon -Computer client01 OU. Open a command prompt (you don’t need domain administrator privileges to get AD user info), and run the command: net user administrator /domain| findstr "Last" You got the user’s last logon time: 08.08.2019 11:14:13. It will detect if the user is currently logged on via WMI or the Registry, depending on what version of Windows it runs against. You can find last logon date and even user login history with the Windows event log and a little PowerShell! If you are managing a large organization, it can be a very time-consuming process to find each users’ last logon time one by one. The need is that I run a powershell script which take the server names from excel/ text file and then return the users … Identify the primary DC to retrieve the report. %{ "$($_.Name) - Current user/Last Logged on user: $($_.Username)" } > "Output.txt" As with the last example, using % in place of ForEach-Object to loop through the contents of the returned object. See below image for examples. In this article, you’re going to learn how to build a user activity PowerShell script. i have been told as a one off to get a PowerShell script to find the users logged into our servers. In this case, you can create a PowerShell script to generate all user’s last logon report automatically. Identify the LDAP attributes you need to fetch the report. Get Logged On Users On Remote Computers. Find All AD Users Last Logon Time Using PowerShell. Let’s say we have an OU Workstations. It’s Petra. Getting the logged on user of client01. For example, to get the profile of LocalUser1, use .\Get-UserProfiles.ps1 -UserName localuser1. To get the same info from a remote computer, You can find out the time the user last logged into the domain from the command line using the net or dsquery tools. I think this method will only show the current user, not the last. Hey, Scripting Guy! This mitigates the need to physically log into computer and checking that way. I found a Hey, … Get-WmiObject -ClassName Win32_UserProfile. This is a simple powershell script which I created to fetch the last login details of all users from AD. .\_Scripts\Get-LoggedInUser.ps1 – Note the two dots before the backslash. Compile the script. There is a better way that can get a list of user profiles on both local and remote computers, using the Get-WmiObject cmdlet with Win32_UserProfile, such as below to get the list of user profiles on the local computer. Get-LastLogon - Determine The Last LoggedOn User - Outputs Object This function will list the last user logged on or logged in. Hi Team, I am not a user of PowerShell so don’t know how it works. In my next post I will write about how to delete windows user profiles using powershell script and Win32_UserProfile WMI class. Computer. The best thing I love about this script is your ability to get who is logged into a remote computer. Execute it in Windows PowerShell. STEPS: ——— 1) Login to AD with admin credentials 2) Open the Powershell in AD with Administrator elevation mode 3) Run this below mentioned powershell commands to get the last login details of all the users from AD Steps to obtain the last logged on users on remote computers using PowerShell: Identify the domain from which you want to retrieve the report. Similarly to get the profiles on remote computer, use -ComputerName parameter.